Sunday, November 04, 2007

web-only HJ interlude

so now that my show has moved up from 2 sprawling post-midnight hours to the coveted 8pm-9pm prime time, i feel like certain things that i would happily play late at night just won't translate too well to the dinnertime hour. cases in point: the late-night cavernous dubstep put out by skull disco and the equally none-more-blackness of a krautrock vein that is pharaoh overlord. maybe i'm just being too reticent? i could actually use some feedback on whether i'm being too experimental or keeping things too tame in my new slot!

anyways, if i were still doing my show after midnight, i would certainly figure out a way to play the soundtrack from this ridiculously rad pseudo-side scrolling video game. the music is by cornel wilczek, who seems to go by qua music online. the flick itself is by paul robertson.

i can't tell if this was animated by machinima or what, but it's sure to appeal to anyone who's ever developed thumb callouses on a sega or a nintendo.

now, crank up yr headphones and turn the lights down low for....

pirate babys cabana battle street fight 2006"!!!